Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sad Story!!

Hidup manusia nie penuh ngan kisah sedih..tak tau lah may b it'z a rencah dalam kehidupan may b it'z a dugaan for us as hambaNya..i dunno and wish not to know..sometime this dugaan is too hard to accept..i dunno y and i don't to know y..because if i know the truth i'll getting more hurt...getting to realise that luv is something abstract that we as human being can't resist if we been hurt by somebody....without any notice, kita sendiri terluka tanpa sedar..if u luv somebody eventhgh u realise that u'll be rejected juz tell that person that u luv him/her..( may b it'z dam hard to tell her/him but afterward if u didn't take the first step then u will lose him/ her and it doesn't come back as u wish)...=(

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yup betul kalau u dah sukakan seseorang u kena beranikan untuk nyatakan perasaan tue,kalau tak menyesal seumur hidup..tapi ada baik nya jugak kalau tak bagitau kalau kita tak sanggup menghadapinya..susah kalau jatuh cinta pada orang yang kita yakin kita takkan dapat...